From the very beginning they knew he was Special...
Found in a crater by a childless Nebraska farm couple, Tom demonstrated the incredible ability to bend object to his will. This was both a curse and a blessing as it is very hard to eat breakfast with a spoon twisted into the shape of a teddy bear. For this reason Tom was sent away to Tibet to learn the ancient art of air folding known as Airigami. After years of study Tom finally had an outlet for his mind-blowing talents. Fortunately for the world, Tom has chosen to use his powers for the good of all mankind, by taking on the superhero persona of TomTheBalloonGuy. TomTheBalloonGuy now flies around the country bringing joy to children of all ages with his unique brand of balloon art. Don't make the mistake of confusing TomTheBalloonGuy with one of the those clowns you see making swords and dogs, TomTheBalloonGuy has refined the process from making bubbles to true art. Once you have experienced TomTheBalloonGuy for yourself, you will realize that all of your dreams will come true. And you will believe that a man can fly, even if it is on United Airlines. Do the right thing and have TomTheBalloonGuy save your life and your party... TODAY!